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Dan Seals Obituary: The Obituary and Death Notice of Dan Seals ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Dan Seals, who was England Dan in the pop duo England Dan and John Ford Coley and later had a successful country career, has .

Dan Seals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although Dan Seals was a touring artist for the rest of the 1990s, he did release a few more albums on smaller .

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Dan Seals Death | Dan Seals dies at 61; half of the pop duo England ...
Mar 27, 2009 . Dan Seals, who as part of the duo England Dan and John Ford Coley sang the hit "I'd Really Love to See You Tonight" and other 1970s .

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Dan Seals, Known as England Dan of Pop-Folk Duo, Dies at 61 ...
Mar 26, 2009 . Mr. Seals performed as England Dan in the folk-pop duo England Dan . At his death, Dan and Jim Seals were working on an album, which .

Dan Seals (1948 - 2009) - Find A Grave Memorial
Mar 26, 2009 . Birth: Feb. 8, 1948. Death: Mar. 25, 2009. Musician. He is best known as half of the soft rock music duo England Dan and John Ford Coley.

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Dan Seals: 1948-2009 - YouTube
Apr 9, 2010 . I just now read about the death of Dan Seals. Am shocked and sad to find this out . I have been looking for a video of my old yellow car.I always .

Pop singer turned country star Dan Seals dies at 61 - Arts ...
Mar 26, 2009 . Pop singer turned country star Dan Seals has died of complications of . evidence after a women plunged to her death during a tandem flight .

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Dan Seals
AKA Daniel Wayland Seals . Cause of death: Cancer - Lymphoma [1] . Singer- songwriter Dan Seals was the "England Dan" of England Dan and John Ford .

CMT : Dan Seals : Biography
After scoring several hits as part of the soft rock duo England Dan & John Ford Coley, Dan Seals reinvented himself as a country-pop singer and enjoyed a .

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Country Singer "England Dan" Dan Seals Dies of Cancer Age 61 ...
Pop singer turned country Dan Seals has died of complications of cancer at age 61. Read more on the life and death of Dan Seals below.

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Pop-Country Hitmaker Dan Seals Dies at 61 - The Boot
Mar 26, 2009 . Dan Seals, who enjoyed successful careers in both pop and country music for more than three decades, died Wednesday. He was 61 years old .

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Singer England Dan Seals, 61, Dies - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo ...
Mar 27, 2009 . Succumbed to 2 years battling cancer, Dan Seals died March 25, . There are some song collaboration and completed prior to Seals' death, .

Bob Dold Hits Dan Seals on Death Tax and Other Issues Affecting ...
Oct 15, 2010 . I was wondering when Bob Dold was going to make an issue of the so-called " death tax," which springs back into life next year unless .

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mudcat.org: Obit: 'England Dan' Seals RIP March 2009
The news report I heard this morning announcing Dan Seals's death played an excerpt from "I'd Really Love To See You Tonight" and .

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Wolfram|Alpha: Where did Dan Seals die
The death place of dan seals is... Search also death date, birth date and place, occupation, nationality, ... Search any famous person.


Dan Seals - WDW
YOU ARE HERE: WDW > Dan Seals . Who's Dated Who feature on Dan Seals including trivia, quotes, pictures, biography, photos, videos, . Location of Death .


Dead or Alive? - Dan Seals
Apr 22, 2012 . Use this page to find out if Dan Seals is dead or alive. Very user friendly navigation and includes a . By Cause of Death · Random Name .

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Dan Seals – 1948 – 2009 « Jazzamatazz
Mar 27, 2009 . Dan Seals will be missed, a country western artist who spoke out for unity, . At his death, Dan and Jim Seals were working on an album, which .

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Dan Seals: Information from Answers.com
Although Dan Seals was a touring artist for the rest of the 1990s, he did release a few more albums on smaller .

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